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Every time government leaders get a raise, minimum wage should be raised by the same percentage.

Every time a CEO gets a raise, including bonuses, all workers should get their pay increased by the same percentage.

If they need raises in their living wage, it only goes to follow that everyone else does as well.


@CStamp Meanwhile normal people are expected to live on what was *barely* a living wage almost two decades ago. And that's before grocery prices have been going up since the pandemic started, essentially making a huge recent inflation spike for us normals.

Every single time companies get the perfect opportunity to raise wages for workers, they do stock buybacks and give the CEOs another yacht instead. "Trickle down" has had many decades to prove itself. It doesn't work. It must be mandated.

Nina Cried Power

@nazokiyoubinbou @CStamp

CEO's should only get a pay raise if it is linked to productivity increases and changes to working practices.


@Nina_cried @CStamp Eh, I mean they already kind of pretend this is what it is. It isn't really of course and I'm sure it takes a lot of mental gymnastics to reach this conclusion, but it's the kind of thing they would have us believe.

I won't even agree that they need pay raises until their wages are closer to the level of the rest of the workers. Like, fine, I can accept there being incentive for being on the top, but it's off the charts, so they need reductions first.


@CStamp and yet, we get told repeatedly, rAiSIng WaGeS Is BaD FoR ThE EcOnOmy 🙄


@decentral1se and we're told inflation is bad - unless its asset price inflation (like house prices)


@CStamp Not 'same percentage', better would be 'same amount'.

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@CStamp Minimum wages should be raised by double that percentage or more. Otherwise government leaders could get a 2000 denomination raise while the minimum wage is only raised 100 of the same denomination.

Gerard Cunningham ✒️

Counterpoint, every time there are layoffs, the c-suite get a paycut and loses stock options


@patrickhadfield @CStamp IN the US government, there's something called cost of living adjustment. It's not a raise, exactly, but if something like that could happen for companies, that'd be cool.


@CStamp I'd go with benefits get a raise, that would stall the horse.


@CStamp I'm definitely more a "government leaders should be housed in grey twenty story utilitarian domiciles and forced to engage with all public services" guy, but I'll take the raise if I can get it. You'd think all the corruption and self-serving policymaking would be compensation enough in itself.

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