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Predicting the future is not that big of a deal.

Headline reads:
 There'll be no Escape in future from telephones
The Tacoma News tribune, April 11th, 1953.
Pasadena - AP - The telephone of the future? Mark R sullivan, San francisco, president and director of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company said in an address Thursday night:
" Just what form the future telephone will take is, of course, pure speculation. Here is my prophecy:" in its final development the telephone will be carried about by the individual, perhaps as we carry a watch today. It probably will require no dial or equivalent, and I think the users will be able to see each other, if they want, as they talk. "Who knows but what it may actually translate from one language to another?"


Did they have any thoughts on flying cars? In line to buy a new vehicle and just wondering if it’s worth hanging on.


@pierreb @spocko

They have flying bicycles now?

What a time to be alive.

Pierre B.

@RealGene @Badgardener @spocko Thanks! There is a long and far from exhaustive list of human powered aircrafts on Wikipedia. My favorites among the unlisted are the Zeppy (1, 2 and 3) which someone brave enough may be able to sail across open water, using a device called a "chien de mer" acting as a centerboard


@spocko they could've stopped it all right then and there but no πŸ™ˆπŸ˜†


@sustainrelease @spocko Tesla wanted to make such a thing at the beginning of the last century, so in 1963 it was not even a prediction, but a promise of β€œsoon to be on sale”, which was delayed (the first videophones were somewhere in the 80s, right?). I won't say anything about magic saucers and mirrors from fairy tales ;-)

marc [sustain release] βœ…

Yeah, I think 80s would be about right for videophones. Actually, that is quite an astonishingly precise prediction in that article, although it was prolly one of the lower hanging ones in terms of future tech.

And, personally I still believe flying cars will be a thing at some point, too. ;)


@sustainrelease @spocko But flying cars already exist. Though, it's hard to say what they do worse: driving or flying ;-)

They will become widely available, I think, after the appearance of fully automatic autopilot: one would not want, moving along the streets, to look not only around, but also upwards....

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