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Tim Hergert

I was having a nice day until I saw this and have made the executive decision to make it all y'all's problem as well

pavement and roadwork with some misplaced paneling covering underlying infrastructure
Vyr ☒️☣️

@cjust and you just left it like that? do you not every-day-carry a crowbar like everyone else? 🀨

Paul SomeoneElse

@cjust idk why, but i like it.

usually I obsessively dislike things like this.

i think there's a message.

Annelies Kamran

@pkw @cjust same! Ordinarily I react to pictures of things like this (books filed spine-in, etc.) like they're fingernails on a blackboard, but I like this.


@cjust greatly offensive pictures like this should be hidden by default behind a content warning, or wiped from the Internet.

I am so triggered by that photo, I need to take a walk around the block.

Kitty Wife Milkshake
@cjust i might be weird but it's weirdly satisfying for me
Anκž‡Γ³in Γ“ B.


It's annoying to see tactile paving for the visually disabled is treated like a gimmick to play with.

It just another asshole's neglect of responsibility hiding behind boys-will-be-boys and a lack of transparency in who is getting public funding to maintain infrastructure.

marcus πŸ˜·πŸ§‚

@cjust if I were working on this, I might be inclined to do the same. Sorry 🀷


Normally I find stuff like this kind of annoying, but somehow I love this one.


@cjust the fact that the edges align with the brick border makes this bearable again.


@gedeonm @cjust Someone was trying (and succeeding) to mess with minds. :)

Tim Hergert

@sirber Me? Heck no. I'm a danger to myself and others. I'd remain a spectator for everyone's safety,

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