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James πŸŒˆπŸ’œ

Having actually sent a patch for one of their decoders... ffmpeg is a hellhole that will eat the developer.

Antwan van Houdt

@shaknais @nixCraft Can’t blame em. Having worked in streaming I came up with the silly phrase: video standards are standard not a standard. Works better in my language tho :)

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@nixCraft I mean it's the honest truth. : }

And I find the FFmpeg codebase to be no worse then anything else I've seen out in the wild.

Andrew "Ace" Arsenault

@ikt @nixCraft It's more fun to submit patches for cool features. : P

Mark Gardner

@nixCraft Patches are cheap; send new maintainers


@nixCraft Exactly. Fix it yourself. Take responsibility. Send cookies to who can fix it.

Zuri (he/him) πŸ• CET

@nixCraft This should be a saved reply for GitHub issues or even a bot that is triggered upon issue submission


β€” Man, your stables are full of horse shit!
β€” Talk is cheap, Hercules, start shoveling.


@nixCraft apparently it's not always that easy according to this conversation I had in March.

(Keep in mind that's one random(?) guy responding, but loudnorm is definitely broken as I found out)

Lazy Lemur FFmpeg taking the piss out of sound wave is the best kind of internet irony i could have hoped for today

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