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Katrina Katrinka :donor:

The 2nd picture is better for a dating profile.

Being kind to animals > coiffure

Daniel Marks

@VeroniqueB99 My hair feels funny. It's moving on its own!


@VeroniqueB99 my average dating experience. Please don't hide if you're bald. I'm not hiding anything about myself even though I know it's deal-breaker.


@subwaysurfer Being bald is a deal breaker? On what planet??? Nah. Guys put way too much into the bald thing.
Also yes, hiding things is a really bad idea.😉


@VeroniqueB99 I find it deal-breaker and after talking to a man, I found out he is actually bald and I kindly told him and left him. Made me feel guilty but it's deal-breaker for me.

People refuse to date me because I'm trans even I'm looking like cis girl, so don't expect me to have empathy for bald men lol.


@subwaysurfer LOL it doesn't bother me. The hiding bothers me.


@VeroniqueB99 I'm so picky. I got turned off by %90 of men these days though. Just fictional dream men in my brain turn me on, real ones suck lol.

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