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@elizemanis @fonolog

Alle drie de voorwerpen gaan bij mijn vriendin in de ruime en diepe 'langedingenla'.

Elize Hendriks

@taaldader @fonolog bij mij weten ze zich 's nachts te stapelen in de enorme diepe en lange lade. En first thing in the morning staat het huisgezin vloekend te poeren.



The ladle is the worst. I hang mine off the upper cabinet to teach it a lesson.

Elize Hendriks

@Sfwmson it 'll get you at an unexpected moment. Be aware!!

Anders Bruun stjal mit navn

@elizemanis every single item here is a prayer to Anoia, rattle her drawers.

Cysio :verified_gay:​

@elizemanis I've cheated the system by putting my cheese grater into a cabinet so that it can yeet itself towards me when I open it instead


@elizemanis don't forget the good scissors! They get wedged against the back and the top like a wedge that takes an age to get unstuck

Jonathan Yu

@elizemanis @RuthMalan This makes me realize that I could solve ~all of my problems by not storing those in drawers

Unicorn Jax

#AltText text "The 'why won't this damn drawer open' starter pack".
Photos of a potato masher, a ladle, and a 4-sided cheese grater

No Gods , no Masters! RESIST

@elizemanis I finally bought a ceramic cream can for my countertop and put my ladles in it...
Now I keep wondering why I have more than one.


@elizemanis This is the one that always gets me. Why it's always sitting the wrong way in there, I'll never know.

A can opener, sitting on it's handle so it's lopsided with one leg pointing up.
Elize Hendriks

@Zucca my knuckels tell the same story. Over and over again.

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