@taaldader @fonolog bij mij weten ze zich 's nachts te stapelen in de enorme diepe en lange lade. En first thing in the morning staat het huisgezin vloekend te poeren. @elizemanis every single item here is a prayer to Anoia, rattle her drawers. @noxypaws @elizemanis it'll be fine they said https://hachyderm.io/@aburka/111597496837558447 @elizemanis I've cheated the system by putting my cheese grater into a cabinet so that it can yeet itself towards me when I open it instead @elizemanis don't forget the good scissors! They get wedged against the back and the top like a wedge that takes an age to get unstuck @elizemanis @RuthMalan This makes me realize that I could solve ~all of my problems by not storing those in drawers @elizemanis @elizemanis I finally bought a ceramic cream can for my countertop and put my ladles in it... @elizemanis This is the one that always gets me. Why it's always sitting the wrong way in there, I'll never know. |
@elizemanis @fonolog
Alle drie de voorwerpen gaan bij mijn vriendin in de ruime en diepe 'langedingenla'.