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It's finally here. Retcon is available now!

Drag-and-drop to rewrite your Git history, with instant results. Undo anything with ⌘Z, from a squash to a push. See conflicts with exceptional clarity, and resolve them with newfound confidence.

It all adds up to an unmatched mix of speed, and delight. Download the free trial now on, and save 25% if you buy this week.

#macOS #Git


@Retcon on one hand this is great, on the other hand the Yet Another Subscription pricing makes me sad


@alice Yeah, I totally get it. Retcon is a subscription because, yes, these make more money—which will allow me to keep working on the app full-time. But I know that it can be unpleasant to have to add yet one more sub.


@Retcon @alice I understand you are a human who needs to pay their rent and buy food 😊

Did you consider the subscription model where you can keep using the *current* version forever, and only pay for new fearures added after the first year?

Here’s a random example of an app i use, “Due”:


@Kdude I ultimately didn't choose that model, but I agree it's a nice one


@Retcon the list is long and it makes me think twice as opposed to a one-time purchase but yes i know the economics behind it

Andreas Gerlach

@Retcon Yearly subscriptions for those (small) support tools is a no-go for me. I’m happy to pay 30 bucks for a permanent license, and upgrade if future versions offer improvements I’m looking for. But yearly subscriptions for basic tools like git or diff/merge (hello kaleidoscope)?? No, thanks!

Andreas Gerlach

@Retcon …and I hate #Apple for having pushed this business model in the past, and making it into everyone’s darling today…

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