That's right folks! Stripey Sums it up below.

#Fediverse is often misconstrued as that network in the #DeSoc space powered by #ActivityPub exclusively - NOPE!

In fact, even mastobruhs would be wise to note that Eugen's original creation was an #OStatus networked product until quite recently in Fediverse evolution years.

Still, there's a lot of otherwise respected tech personalities that continue to insist and spread disinformation to the contrary. Shame on them - someone, everyone, needs to edjumacate those individuals spreading FUD and confusion to the next generation of n00bs arriving in this free and thriving world of privacy respecting, horizontally scaling, #FOSS based social communication systems.

Apparently, what I've quoted below was part of a larger, longer conversation, yet I'm confident that just what #Stripey points out below in correcting someone else's erroneous assumptions more than correctly describes Fediverse and puts an end to any misunderstanding for all sentient #Fedizens 🤘🤠🤘


