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Dr. Zalka Csenge Virรกg

I think I found the funniest version of "The tortoise and the hare" tale type just now ๐Ÿ˜„ From Japan.

It is about a centipede and a slug running a race to a shrine. Obviously the centipede gets there first, but when the slug arrives, centipede is still taking his sandals off, so slug enters the shrine first.


#FolktaleMoment #folklore #folktales


@TarkabarkaHolgy it's like when you drive your car to get some bread, but can't find a parking space; while on the bike you park just outside the front door and return in a jiffy ๐Ÿ˜‰


@TarkabarkaHolgy I like this one; the morality tale grafted onto the western version has always struck me as artificial.

Den of Earth

Related, I was totally cheering for this guy
during the track and field events

Italian runner named "Tortu" which is the French word for tortoise
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