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Jason Morley

For the past couple of months I've been building an index of all the Psion software I can find, auto-generated from the Internet Archive. It's a great place to start if you want to (re)discover these wonderful 90s-era palmtop computers. Feel free to explore, and let me know of anything I should add, or if you'd like to help with development, content, descriptions, or screenshots.

Screenshot of a web browser viewing the Psion software index and containing a grid of items alongside icons and download links, including DivePlan, DLBanque, Doodler, Draw3, and others.
Jason Morley

Screenshots are hard to come by for Psion software as most was distributed on shareware disks, so I've been very slowly working through the index and taking screenshots of programs that intrigue me. There are some wonderful (incredibly 90s) gems out there.

Screenshot of DinoZone by Ben Vaughan showing a cut out of a T-Rex  surrounded by the words DINO ZONE with a 3D effect.
Screenshot of the EPOC version of the Project Galactic Guide with a two column layout—content on the left with the text ‘DON’T PANIC!’, and an index on the right with entires beginning at ‘A’ and continuing to ‘Andorra’.
Screenshot of ‘The Yo-yo Encyclopaedia’ splash screen with a black-and-whtie rendering of a ‘Cosmic Yo Yo’ emblazoned with stars and planets, and a toolbar on the right with options including ‘Open’, ‘About’, and ‘Close’.
Screenshot of Psi-Jong showing mahjong pieces on a bright green board.
Kroc Camen

@jbmorley Phenominal! A lot of Psion sites have gone away recently, this is sorely needed. I have two other sources you should consider: Pscience5: and which both have extensive downloads

Kroc Camen

@jbmorley Also, Discmaster (a search interface to hundreds of CDs hosted on returns almost 3000 files for .sis EPOC32 installers:

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