@ailnoth I listen to lots of #podcasts. I use YouTube for two purposes only: to explain #boardgames rules and the Double Windsor Tie Knot. TikTok is for children. @mrundkvist I mean if you are on kids tiktok then yes it is for children, in my carefully curated feed we have discussion about political, HBTQIA+ issues, kink things, archeology, space and science. @angiebaby @mrundkvist It’s okay. Your time to become the boomer will come too @ALoiteringFlaneur @mrundkvist I'm Gen X and I'm resisting this brain rot until I die. :ablobhop: @mrundkvist I'm Gen X and can really appreciate the benefits of long and short-form video and audio format. Sorry, but this post is definitely giving boomer vibes. @dedalusroot You need to fine-tune your detector for self-deprecating irony. I often have to ask over-literal people to put a post-it note on their screens reading "Martin's jokes usually involve him pretending to misunderstand things". "Send me the article" The article: @WolvericCatkin @mrundkvist fair points! (I'd still rather read it than watch/listen to it though) @akamran @mrundkvist Yeah, having to try and follow a video, when you can take a written article at your own pace, is a pain... 😹 I LIKE to read. I can revisit lines or phrasing quickly and easily. I can't do that as easily with video or audio. I can't do podcast and concentrate on other things like driving. Neither could my boss who got done for doing 100km/h in a 60 zone while listening to a podcast. I love music. Can do that almost anywhere. Almost. Even that goes off when the going gets serious. @mrundkvist yup this. Not only do i find video content to be annoying since I'm quite often not in a setting where listening to audio content is appropriate, I also assume everything is bs unless I see a source 🤷♀️ @mrundkvist So true. If there's a transcript, I don't bother watching a slow time-wasting video. (Apologies to #TEDtalk people.) Another advantage of text is that you can scan back to check something. @mrundkvist I'm an elder millenial. I read crazy fast and prefer text. My partner is genx. She's dyslexic, so she often prefers video content. I've had coworkers who are gen z hating on video. I've got old relatives who love the new world. From where I'm sitting, it doesn't feel as generational. I get younger folks are growing up on video a lot more, but I'll bet the ratio isn't that different. Oh and don't get me started on "old dudes with a 20 minute youtube howto that could've been one picture with a circle and two sentences" @mrundkvist That's ... Weird. Millennial here. I, for sure, can't hold attention on a long read. Mainly because 9 times out of 10 half of the words could be cut out without any information loss. But I do read *a lot*. Direct sharing of short format videos for anything else than funsies is quite frowned upon in my circles. @mrundkvist I feel the same way about YouTube instructional videos. Give me the highlights as bullets and steps in a numbered list. Screenshots optional. @mrundkvist sure, but I think the purpose is different. Gen X is used to reading to absorb information. Younger generations use information to be social. Being social properly takes time. @mrundkvist And younger generations are very used to accomodating people with reading difficulties. They almost never assume you're fluent in reading. We would just shove them on the "short bus" and pretend they didn't exist. @mrundkvist so while it might be a bit of an ego boost that we have all of these "old people superpowers" younger generations are superior to us in a hell of a lot of ways. We were angry, neglected assholes. @mrundkvist this 1000x. I’m the youngest GenX and I absolutely prefer reading. I have never even listened to a single podcast, and I have no interest in watching videos of people talking about something I could read and understand for myself. @mrundkvist And while at it, please share links of articles instead of screenshots. Or share both. |
@mrundkvist Well to be fair, I read a lot of shit, and read really fast. But there is a lot of situations where I prefer to listen to stuff, while doing other stuff. (I'm millennial). And sometimes I listen to videos with a dude talking about an article or a podcast about it (or several) to get different perspectives on the topic etc.