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"Enshittification" is selling people on VC garbage that's just as easy & convenient as bittorrent «but legal!», up until they stop using bittorrent, at which point you just turn the thing precisely as annoying and expensive as the one that made people start using bittorrent to begin with.


(and we let this happen over and over again because despite the internet we have learned absolutely *nothing* as a species)

Marco :nonuke:

I think it's only the realization of their business plan: for 20 years ads and PIIs were enough to make money, but now that the customers are addicted to the services, they can start milking users as well.

muxauy 🚴🇪🇺

@flaki tbf streaming was a _lot_ easier than bittorrent back when there weren't 700 competing services, each offering "exclusive" content you can't watch anywhere else (well, except bittorrent)

Giles Goat

@flaki ... and people are so hooked/dependent on this they'll sell theirs souls to still have all this without even thinking in setting up alternatives.

Rage Rumbles 🏴‍☠️🫂 🔞

@flaki Who could ever have imagined capitalists don't exist to make life easier?

Kierkegaanks regretfully

@flaki burn them all in the most Targaryen way possible


@flaki It's almost like the entire point of tech "innovation" is to damage legacy players, and then the "innovators" can replicate their abusive practices, but with added surveillance and extractive data collection.

Elias Mårtenson

@flaki the actual vost of having someone drive you in a car is tge same as the service that drove you in a car. Shocking.

It's even more surprising that someone managing a computer for you to run code on is more expensive than you managing a computer for you to run code on.

Coles Street Pothole

@flaki Rentier capitalism at its finest. Create a resource, chisel away at market share until you are the leader, then just park yourself on that resource and jack up the price of access.


@flaki Free streaming services exist. Streaming doesn't *have* to be as expensive as cable.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@flaki Meanwhile all the cool people like myself having physical media, taking a bike or scooter or driving a cheap-ass beater car and self hosting their IT:

"WE #ToldYaSo!"

Erik Ableson

@flaki To be fair, the cloud was never cheap. But yeah, point taken.

Angry Sun
@flaki streaming is broken because of scumbag movie and tv companies
Brian Dear


And all through all this change and upheaval, steadfast bastion of clickbait journalism BusinessInsider remains one of the most consistently unreliable means for the public to gain any sense of why things are the way they are


@flaki Who could have imagined burning money to unseat competitors would have resulted in this? :pika:


@flaki hot take: cloud was NEVER cheap. and it introduced developers to so much BS around limit management, that it virtually paved the way for enshittification

(think: “i can save some resources on the backend if we disable this feature… that’s gonna make it cheaper for us to run the service!” - there was no incentive like this with on-prem deployments)

Third spruce tree on the left


And we have come full circle.

Hey content producers: I'm serious - seed a high quality torrent of your movie, show, comics or novel and give me a donation link and I'm more than happy to pay you a reasonable price directly. $5/movie, $1-2/episode, I'm in for that. Lets cut those rich assholes at HBO etc. out of the loop.

Flash Mob Of One

@flaki Enshittification baby.

Luckily here in Kansas City we have a couple of cab companies that contract with the city to provide inexpensive ride shares.

Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC

@flaki I never got into streaming, I've been pirating since the days of #Kazaa and #ed2k , I'm still torrenting everything I watch. The only reason I've got (basic) cable TV is for the fast Internet connection.

Myles Wakeham

@flaki It is amusing that in a quest to evolve into the superior beings with our tools, we can't get past our flaws of greed, power, domination, envy, etc. The quest for a better world never seems to get the traction we hope for and we see this accelerated in tech before our eyes.

You mean subsidising your service on VC money until there's no competition is not healthy?
Ret the Folf

@flaki renting a dedicated box and sticking everything on that is the best option for startups of most types. Sinking 50% of your precious starter funds on AWS bills is nuts.

Rin :v_trans: :v_enby:

@flaki *pretends to be shocked* :surprised_pikachu:

Albert Hickey

@flaki They all want their own walled garden with a subscription model.

As a friend said to over a decade ago "people don't cancel direct debits"

As these are usually annual if your busy it's paid before it's cancelled and usually, at least for me, I convince myself I'll sort it before next year.... Nope.

Prastowo Yustinus all streaming services keep soaring price until world end, we are going back to pirate any content, because i couldn't afford subscription per month while tax is higher than ever..



one of the most powerful cheatcodes of all times ☝️
that was the goal all along
- make investor money and NOT your service/product your primary source of income
- since you don't have to make money with your product/service, go so low with prices that serious competition without investors can't keep up with and will be eliminated
- when you got enough customers and the competion is weakened or already out of business, then raise the prices
💰 💰 💰

Collateral Damage

@flaki Since basically all MSM and streaming services support Israhell one way or another, I've boycotted all of them and I couldn't have made a better decision for my life and wellbeing.

The Psychotic Network Ferret


1) I once again get my movies and shows from the high seas. I still buy DVDs for anything that was worth watching.

2) Taxis are hands down better than Uber, for a variety of reasons.


Dan Morgan :ksu:

@flaki @tezoatlipoca All those original low prices were to kill the competition. It is anticompetitive, predatory, and part of the plan. “Disrupt” is just the code word for that plan.

Zephod Beeblebrox

@flaki Then there're people like me...
I don't go to movie theatres, don't have a streaming service, don't do Ubers, don't pay for cloud and don't have cable either.

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