I downloaded a program for macOS. The OS absolutely refuses to let me run it, falsely claiming that it's "damaged." It is not damaged, Apple just cares more about extracting profit from developer licenses and collecting data through App Store downloads.
There's a dark pattern where you can right click and select "Open," which behaves differently than double-clicking the same thing. This does not work for this program.
I had to run: `xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/ProgramName.app` to make it work.
Despicable, hostile, anti-user, anti-competitive behavior from Apple.
@ieure I have been using macOS since System 7 days… while Apple did start to be a little more circumspect about running randomly downloaded applications, I have never not been able to run anything. “Open” *is* the same as double clicking.
If it says it is “damaged” it’s because of an actual problem or inconsistency with the program, not some sort of conspiracy.