For the last five years instead of changing phone I just update the battery once in 1-2 years. During the one of such refreshes of the phone, the battery exploded and burned the screen. The repair foreman found a new display and now I have a white pixel3 instead of black one :) The full story is here:

My primary applications:
- Olauncher :: no bs, no badges, no icons, no distraction.
- F-droid :: primary application store.
- OrganicMaps :: trails and hikes.
- Gmaps :: public transport.
- Conversation, Telegram :: multi-purpose IMs.
- PipePipe and mpv :: yoga, educational and entertaining offline videos.
- Voice :: audiobooks for entertaiment and english listening practice.
- Timers :: for exercises and cooking.
- Camera :: taking picture of the nature and videos of my workouts.