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Gnosyz πŸ––:straightally:

PS: seems that even after this post was boosted almost 200 times there is a need to specify: the ban in the USA is local as in on the level of libraries, schools, universities and etc not in the entire country.

image of a piece of paper coming from a book.
The paper reads: This book has been banned in the USSR, China, and the United States
Banned in the USSR for being anti-communist
Banned in the US for being pro-communist
Below the image are two comments :
Comment from ours-a-g-a: the book is 1984, which is neither. It's anti-authoritarian, which tells you a lot.
Comment from musicalscllence : Ya know, sometimes I wish the joke didn't write itself
Marcel Gitlab πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ

@ZySoua please, could you add an alt text so the image would be available for everyone ?

For example :

image of a piece of paper coming from a book.
The paper reads : This book has been banned in USSR, China and United States
Banned in USSR for being anti-communist
Banned in US for being pro communist
Below the image are two comments :
Comment from ours-a-g-a: the book is 1984, which is neither. It's anti-authoritarian, which tells you a lot.
Comment from musicalscllence : Ya know, sometimes I wish the joke didn't write itself


@ZySoua please, could you add an alt text so the image would be available for everyone ?

For example :

image of a piece of paper coming from a book.
The paper reads : This book has been banned in USSR, China and United States
Banned in USSR for being anti-communist
Banned in US for being pro communist


@ZySoua is 1984 really banned in the US?


Where is USSR?
I believe it is/was a best seller in Russia


@ZySoua Awesome to be grouped together with Russia & China! At this rate will be grouped with Afghanistan & North Korea real soon!😬😬😬

Andreas K

@DanaDee @ZySoua Well, #P01135809 always liked to compare his dick length with the North Korean dictator.

How can he, if DJT is not a proper dictator?

So the #GOP is working hard to make the USA into a proper, nice dictatorship. Or at least an Iran-level theocracy.

zvavybir :palestina:πŸ‰ :Green:

@ZySoua Capitalism and sadly also Communism are inherently authoritarian, even if they strongly differ in what and to whose benefit they (try to) use this authoritarianism for.


Stege πŸƒ

@ZySoua To be honest, that is at most half the truth. Orwell's novel was never banned in the USA. This is not as easy in the US legal system as it is in authoritarian socialist dictatorships such as the Soviet Union or the People's Republic of China. In the USA, a book can only be banned at individual universities, schools or special institutions in federal states, and then only individually. There is no such ban in the USA as in other countries.

Tim Richards

@ZySoua @charvaka How on earth could someone interpret '1984' as being PRO-communist? I can't even

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