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RevK :verified_r:

That is genius!


LOL, someone reported me to, err, me... The first report I have ever had!

Seems I have to clarify.

All junk calls I get, are either not legal under PECR, or actually fraudulent. I am assuming this is the nature of this call. If not, then not so funny.

I have zero sympathy for someone that works for criminals. Arguing that the only job you can get is working for criminals does not justify it. Sorry. But that is my free speech opinion.

So I won't be suspending myself.

Image showing a humorous social media post by Chris Blasko dated August 5, 2014, about a conversation with a telemarketer. The post details how he pretended to be an IT administrator and tricked the telemarketer into performing a reset

@revk @SteffoSpieler menu **#** is a fun one on Cisco too. Just a reboot, the reset one is sadly too long winded.

Vieil Ogre

@ciredutempsEsme @revk d'autant qu'il suffisait de presser 9. Au lieu de ça, y a un type qui est en train de se faire engueuler par son chef.

Vieil Ogre

@ciredutempsEsme @revk Ben avant même le début de la conversation, il avait un message enregistré : "pour ne pas être contacté à nouveau, taper 9"

Esmé Ciredutemps

@VieilOgre @revk oh wow. En fait c'est un exercice et le gars va te contacter pour une mission secrète

Meeea :verified:

@ciredutempsEsme @VieilOgre @revk ouais c'est super nul du coup le mec s'est pris une rouste et probablement une suppression de salaire horaire


@revk That person probably gets paid peanuts for their work, and it's genius and/or funny to fuck up a struggling worker's day? It would've costed the person making the original post literally nothing to just end the call, it happens all the time to telemarketing, but no, they had to go, fuck up the other person's day, and then brag about it on the internet..

RevK :verified_r:

@Ittihadyya I have alt text!

RevK :verified_r:

@Ittihadyya They should have the integrity not to be working on junk calls, or worse, fraudulent calls.


@revk people don't seek out to do shit-paid jobs because they want to, it's because they're forced to by the conditions they are in - which means that the alternative is not working and starving to death.

Stijn van Drongelen

@revk @Ittihadyya Having integrity in choosing a profession, itself necessary to stay alive, is a privilege reserved for those with marketable skills or assets.


@Ittihadyya @revk If someone ruins my day, it's only appropriate to return the favor.
And it possibly can force them to find less shitty job, so I'm helping them to sort things out.


@fionor @revk Oh, the misery, getting a call that you can just reject and at worst block the number.
The saviour of poor people, possibly making them not get paid !
Ridiculous, if people work jobs that are less than substinence the only other choice they have is not working and starving, such is the system we run our society on.
Learn some empathy, put yourself in their shoes! Work a shitty job that contributes nothing to society and get paid barely enough, if even that, and some jackass decides to just fuck up the phone that you need for your job.

@fionor @revk Oh, the misery, getting a call that you can just reject and at worst block the number.
The saviour of poor people, possibly making them not get paid !
Ridiculous, if people work jobs that are less than substinence the only other choice they have is not working and starving, such is the system we run our society on.
Learn some empathy,...


@Ittihadyya @revk Not even remotely sorry for those people. They are cogs in capitalism machine - and I gladly put sand in the mechanism, so they find another job (or start revolution).


I Am The Center Of The Universe And Everyone Else's Life Does Not Matter Whatsoever!!! (don't laugh!)
Thank you, great revolutionary mind, trolling people who are barely scraping by will surely start the great revolution, they should put your face on the flag. Instead of helping those in need, making them able to live their life and educating them on relevant issues you'd prefer to discard their lives as cannon fodder and pretend you're doing it for some great cause.
To any other replies by fionor :
P.S @fionor has sent in a silly letter, we shall neither print it nor reply to it.

I Am The Center Of The Universe And Everyone Else's Life Does Not Matter Whatsoever!!! (don't laugh!)
Thank you, great revolutionary mind, trolling people who are barely scraping by will surely start the great revolution, they should put your face on the flag. Instead of helping those in need, making them able to live their life and educating them on relevant issues you'd prefer to discard their lives as cannon fodder and pretend you're doing it for...

tort :flagEnby:

@Ittihadyya @revk cry about it

Successive Approximation Register

@Ittihadyya @revk I'm not going to shed a tear because some asshole - whose job it is to take advantage of gullible people to rob them - loses 1 hour of their workday or gets yelled at by their boss.


@dlatchx It's Fine To Harm Poor People If I Don't Like What They Do To Scrape By.


wait, there are callcenters who don't (re)configure their phone systems with network settings?

phone was acting weird -> factory reset and the network did the rest.


@mjrider that would assume competent people setting it up ;)


@revk I'm not sure you understand how much stress this person has put on a delocalized worker, who's already alienated in normal conditions, having to follow a route made by white collar workers. He may have a family to feed and he isn't the problem himself. He may have been fired, or at best he's lost an hour of paid labor while fearing losing his job, in great distress.

This is only funny for ignorant people, and there's arguably racism in that. Do better.


@revk Not funny. But, it is terribly mean.


@revk as creative as this might be chances are they calling through a conmputer system not an actual headset. So this really would never happen.


@revk Yay, let's abuse telemarketers, 99% of which are poor teenagers trying to make some pocket money. I'm sure that totally will have zero consequences in how they treat other staff groups that are often looked down on, like retail staff or so. Not like this cunt just showed them that workers deserved to be abused. What a fucking genius.

Kerstin 🌻💚

@revk This sounds really funny, but when I think about it... it probably got a person with a shitty job (which probably means they really depend on it) into a lot of trouble.

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@revk Howmany callcenters still use physical phones?

Lutz Helm

@revk If true, it's also a shitty thing to do to somebody who is most likely working in a terrible callcenter job for a minimum wage.

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