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nixCraft 🐧

kids who would run dos defrag utility and sit and look at the little squares change colors are either {developers, sysadmin, devops} now or retired farmers

Tim W ( admin)

@dougmerritt @nixCraft just don't defrag your SSD / NVMe, unless you want to ruin it.


@tim indeed, nowadays you scrub and rebalance trees instead

Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 Retired but not a farmer, Mr Craft! 🥥

Alan K. Martinez

@nixCraft I feel I fit into one of the categories listed but won't say which one...

I also wonder if this is supposed to be an attack of character or life choices or not...


@nixCraft watch how it's getting recreated in Rust


@nixCraft visualizing defragging has stuck with me as a metaphor for so many things.

Paying down tech debt to speed up development.

Organizing my workbench for more efficient building.

Marcus Jenkins

@nixCraft Developer in my case. Close to retirement.


@nixCraft Loved this in a strange way. Felt so tidy.

Gabriele Marcosanti :opensuse:

@nixCraft just get an USB stck with FAT filesystem and do it!


@nixCraft : SF writer… but I definitely spent too much time watching this.

Ryek Darkener

This is so much better than many other programs.


@nixCraft I made my first $$ helping a business defrag their cad computer. They were very happy.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have made backups first.

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:


I mean, I'm not IT or a farmer, and I would look at the defrag animation. Had to because I had nothing else I wanted to do beside whatever I need my computer for at that time.


@nixCraft daww I can hear the clack click click clacks like it was yesterday..


@nixCraft Crap. I missed my calling.

Now I need to go see if there's an app that simulates this because you flung a craving on me.


@nixCraft I remember trying to guess which blocks would be shuffled next


@nixCraft can confirm -- retired farmer here

Old Man in the Shoe


One theory of life on planet Earth is that it arose to order proteins from the right to the left. That's it, stacking proteins to one side. And here we are inventing computers that kind of did the same thing.


@nixCraft Did that when I was young. Worked as a dev for 2+ years and now I'm studying to become a Therapist, lmao.


@nixCraft I did helpdesk work a long time ago and when I got called to someone's desk for something trivial/silly I would run defrag to make it look like I was doing fancy and technical work. It always seemed to make people feel better.


@nixCraft I became a Latin teacher... But my homebrew programs and shell scripts are integral to my workflow so... I should look into farming.


@potpie Hopefully your projects are named in Latin too :D

Adrien Plazas

@nixCraft And some of these devs will be retired farmers anyway.

Patrick Schmitz

@nixCraft recently watched Spinrite running on my PC, which is just as relaxing.


@nixCraft I did that once in windows 98, it took something like 16 hours.

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