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Brodie Robertson

I am 26 years old
I have been using computers since I was 8
I just found out that pixel is short for picture element

Yuki 膀 ❄️ πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ I am 32 years old
I have been using computers pretty much since I was born
I just found out that pixel is short for picture element

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

I am 36 years old
I have been using computers since I was 8 (Basic and then QBasic)
I just found out that pixel is short for picture element πŸ€“
Now I wonder what voxel is the short form of.

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

Yes, I've also read that first paragraph of Wikipedia as well, but the question was where did the word "voxel" come from. It was also joke extension on what @BrodieOnLinux posted (to which I replied and wrote that post)πŸ˜‰

But if you are actually looking for an answer, the etymology of voxel is vo(lume) + (pi)xel



@Mehrad @PaleRider @BrodieOnLinux Im 41 years old, and I've been using computers since I was 8. I'm old enough to have known back in the day what pixel stands for, and then forgotten it until today.


Ah damn, I didn't get the joke and also didn't even think to write out the explanation. I really should properly read my own toots and the ones I'm responding to...


@Mehrad @BrodieOnLinux apparently it stands for "volume element" (as a reference to how the "pixel" word is constructed)

TIL so many things 🀯


@Mehrad @BrodieOnLinux isn't voxel just volumetric pixel? As in a pixel with a volume.

edit: apparently, it stands for volume element.


@BrodieOnLinux I'm 27.
I've been using computers since I was maybe 2 or 3.
I also only just found out that pixel is short for picture element.

Midnight checks out, yup. used yo call them dots until that Adam Sandler movie came out


@BrodieOnLinux I'm 54, my first computer was TRS-80 when I was 9 and I knew this. heh. Being my age sometimes has weird advantages. ;)

Chris [list of emoji]

@bitterseeds @BrodieOnLinux

Ditto, but Sinclair ZX81. I learned programming from the book that came with it, and the chapter on graphics had to first explain what a pixel was.

(Also: "remember, X is a cross.")

Paul L

@suetanvil @BrodieOnLinux
Yes I probably read this from the generous Speccy manual back in the mid-80s.

Just a few lines of Plot and Draw in a loop and you could get some arty stuff on screen especially with Over 1, and the manual encouraged experimentation.

And being able to save result to tape in screen$ format .


@BrodieOnLinux I am 49 years old
I have been using computers since the Vic 20.
I just found out that pixel is short for picture element :-D


@BrodieOnLinux I'm 24 years old.
I've used computers since I remeber.
I just found that pixel is short for picture element.

BTW. Voxel is short for volumetric picture element

Cylis :omya_nix: :kde:

@BrodieOnLinux This knowledge gave me the same feeling when you occasionally come across a VSauce Video/Short


@BrodieOnLinux I'm 46 years old and found out that from you!


@BrodieOnLinux Wait its actually picture element wtf you learn something new everyday, how did i never learn this is insane to me and i been using computers since 3rd or 4th grade of primary school...


@BrodieOnLinux I am 21 years old
I learn low-level image manipulation at University
I just found out that pixel is short for picture element 😭

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