cube net parade
@ylegall OMG, wait for it...!
@ylegall soothing
Das nenn ich mal freie Entfaltung.
@ylegall Dimension the dice! 😀
@ylegall otherwise known as how Minesweeper levels get made!
@ylegall Strangely addictive.
@ylegall How about this one created a while back from the Corridor Crew.
@UKFilmNerd oh that is superb.
@ylegall reminds me of marble madness.
@ylegall @dblume “The things’re hollow -- it goes on forever -- and -- oh my God! -- it's full of Tetrises!” — not Dave Bowman
@integerpoet @ylegall I get that reference. Is there a cool way to say "I get that reference"?
@ylegall hashtag oddly satisfying
@ylegall beautiful. I wanted the cubes to unroll from the first tile they would ultimately cover, as if they got stuck on fly paper, but this version has some mesmerizing patterns too!
@ylegall OMG, wait for it...!