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Ludic 🧛

Great news everyone! I finally talk about AI hype. Someone finally mentioned LLMs one time too many, and the reckoning is upon us:

Spencer Callaghan

@ludicity this is a fucking masterpiece. It feels good to know that I’m not the only one going crazy over this technology that does nothing particularly well.

Ciarán McNally

@ludicity This piece made my day better today, thank you for sharing! 🤩


@ludicity Thank you for allowing me some hope of humanity again.

Katie Sylor-Miller

@ludicity funnily enough, this came up on my feed shortly after reading your excellent article


@ludicity Good Lord this is an awesome bit of writing - unfortunately the folks that really need to read it won't.


@ludicity masterful rant, and i was reminded of @cstross

Ludic 🧛

@nev @cstross I didn't realize the person credited with the githyanki (NWN2 was a formative childhood game) was on here! Very high praise, thank you!


@ludicity @cstross I've been tearing my way through the Laundry Files series, where IT/tech issues could be said to play a role

@ludicity Thank you. I needed to read this. A counter-artificial Idiot post. Seriously.
Ludic 🧛

@djlink I'm too scared to look because, as someone that does Goes Viral Sometimes levels of internet traffic, Reddit comments are extremely, extremely low quality. The difference in quality is breathtaking, even compared to the lower-tier HN comments. (I actually think many higher-tier HN comments are great).

Nils 'Kojote' Hitze

@ludicity thank you! This article has wonderful BOFH vibes and made me laugh a lot

Atle Frenvik Sveen

@ludicity I read "leadership is a hell of a drug" some months ago, then some other of your articles, and thought: "this guy is spot on about everything that is wrong with this field".

Then yesterday this masterpiece of an article reaches me, and I once again laugh out loud while reading and at the same time cry because so many people don't get your point.

Thank you!

David Megginson

@ludicity Your money quot.:

you do not need to do anything to reap the benefits. Artificial intelligence, as it exists and is useful now, is probably already baked into your businesses software supply chain.

💯 I've been riding hype curves since the early 1990s (web, #openSource, #XML, #openData, #AI, etc etc) and this always holds true.

Unless the hyped tech actually is your core business, just ignore it and focus on what you know. The new #tech will come to you if/when it's ready.


@ludicity very entertaining AND informative read

gábor ugray

@ludicity I have to thank you for an extra hearty laugh here! Your post reminded me of a person in the industry I know (translation) that was hawking a company about blockchain something something translation something a few years ago. So I went and checked their website now. To quote a classic: Lol! Lmao.

(This dude, coz ofc a dude, has obviously been burning through other people's money, willingly given to him, for years now.)


@ludicity I'm having a blast reading this~. <3

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