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Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).
We've been stealthily present in the Fediverse behind the NGIZero handle but have now finally set up our NLnet instance. With special thanks to @nlnetlabs for their patience :).
Another way we've been involved is we've funded many fantastic ActivityPub related projects. See the image for a visual overview.

Happy to be here and looking forward to meet you in this pleasant space.


Asta McCarthy

@nlnet Welcome! great to have you here:blobgrin:​

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@nlnet OHAI! Supporting so many projects, it's nice to see you actually using one at last!

@NGIZero @nlnetlabs

Arne Babenhauserheide

@nlnet It’s great to see your own instance here now!

You’re doing great work!
@NGIZero @nlnetlabs


@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs ah yess, losing public money on fringe non–essential projects used by fraction of residents of EU.
I hope the new parliament will shut that malarkey down.

Raghav Agrawal

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs

"@NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet"

Wow that's amazing, you guys rock!

Fazal Majid

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs as a user of unbound and nsd, both vital parts of the Internet's infrastructure, it's great to have you here!


Hi @fazalmajid yes agreed it is important infrastructure and it is made by They were here already :). We are NLnet, good friends of NLnet Labs but a different organisation.

Jectoons :masto_comic:

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs This is really exciting! I was reding through the NGI Zero commons eligibility guide, and it is so cool. what you're doing! It looks like it's mostly geared towards scientific and research work, is there any chance there will be some grants towards creative projects in the future? :)

wakest ⛬

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs glad to see you here finally! Might be nice to unmask *who* is posting to the account.


@liaizon it's mostly me, Or do you mean put it in the bio, or something?
On a different note, I have to say, you have the best domain name I have ever seen. T.A.Z. Love it.

Martijn Vos

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs

I had no idea @nlnet was into funding so much development these days. I know you mostly from the early internet/usenet days in NL.

As it happens, I've got some ideas about open communication networks that are a bit broader than the usual social media, that I'd love to work on but probably never will. But now I'm thinking I should maybe write a proposal for you. Even if it's just to refine my ideas.


@nlnet Alt text for blind and visually impaired followers:   black text on a white background The IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy and raise $50 billion in the process. The Internal Revenue Service plans to end another major tax loophole that could raise more than $50 billion in revenue over the next decade. By JOSH BOAK and FATIMA HUSSEIN. Associated Press. June 17, 2024, 8:45 AM • 3 min. ET read

katta aka m3956 aren't you the ones who brought up Unbound by any chance?

Nicco Kunzmann

@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs Welcome! And thanks for funding the #OpenWebCalendar
Thanks to your funding, the project now has a #documentation website in German, Spanish and English:


@nlnet @NGIZero @nlnetlabs Welcome and thank you for your continual support!

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