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@NanoRaptor McFly: ... Are you telling me you built a pickup truck... out of a DeLorean?

Doc Brown: The way I see it, if you're gonna haul your crap to the dump, why not do it with some style?

Drama-free flocking together.

@NanoRaptor do you have to convert the delorian to electric before you can do the truckla mod?


@old_angry_queer @NanoRaptor Since the stock vehicle is rear engine, yes.


@ehurtley @old_angry_queer @NanoRaptor I searched this up because I was prepared to correct you and say it's mid-engined, but found myself incorrect! I never knew the engine sat so far back in the DMC12! I learned something today, thank you :)

David Atwell

@OldManTV @ehurtley @old_angry_queer @NanoRaptor the only reason I know this is from watching Doc Brown put his future luggage in the front trunk. That was a good looking car.


@NanoRaptor here's a 3rd gen firebird camino, is this anything?


@NanoRaptor They have the wooden mockup in a museum outside Belfast and it has the weirdest uncanny valley look to it


@NanoRaptor they are gorgeous and I saw a 4 cylinder one drive past me in the UK and it sounded like shit


@tinheadned @NanoRaptor they drove like it too. Definitely a car to look at or be seen in rather than drive.

โ›ˆ๏ธ Information โ›ˆ๏ธ

@NanoRaptor I just watched Back to the Future and I was thinking this every time the car was on screen.


@Elucidating @NanoRaptor
The only reason the Delorean was in BTTF was because they asked โ€œwhat is the most ridiculous vehicle that would would expect to be a Time Machine?โ€

The idea that a Delorean could actually reach 88 M/h was one of the biggest punchlines of the movie.


@NanoRaptor DeLorean's reputation in N. Ireland is still largely that of a conman. The cybertruck comparison is a bit on the nose, lol.


@rateexportpilot @NanoRaptor I gather you miss the most important thing - DeLorean is symbol of BTTF and 'big dream times'. While cyberbastard is symbol of times of selfish dick and his clout, so it's the opposite.


@NanoRaptor Needs to do a photoshoot with Simone Giertz's Truckla.


@NanoRaptor Now I want to electric-convert a DeLorean and do that to it!


@NanoRaptor @xssfox now iโ€™m waiting for the revelation that tesla is being kept afloat not by space launches but rather by cocaine smuggling

Luke Dorny

@NanoRaptor 100% mass market these as electric at a great price and win the game.

Courtney Cantrell

@Luke @NanoRaptor I would buy the shit out of a cherry red EV Delorean.

Luke Dorny

@courtcan @NanoRaptor just get me Bluetooth and Iโ€™m gold. Any color.

Courtney Cantrell

@Luke @NanoRaptor Yeah, cherry red would be nice, but I'd take any color too, really! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ––


@NanoRaptor Cybertruck = Dโ€™Elonion
(In that, if you succeed in getting it up to 88mph, all of its layers will peel off.)

Inken Paper

@NanoRaptor idk about "better", the Delorean was a piece of shit too. it probably won't cut a nasty gash in your wrist from barely touching it, but it will rust, have really terrible mileage (stainless is heavy), and the gull-wing doors will get stuck.

Nathaniel Hรถrnblowรฉr

@knutson_brain @NanoRaptor Fantastic idea. I would be amazed if someone hasn't done that already.


@NanoRaptor the funniest thing about the Cybertruck vs. DeLorean comparison is that DeLorean owners say the best way to clean the stainless steel is with petrol, which is hilarious considering the Cybertruck is an EV.

mos_8502 :verified:

@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor The actual best way to clean the panels on a DeLorean is with soap and water, after priming and painting the fucking things.

Kevin Karhan

@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor also even #DeLorean added a clearcoat on top - something Tesla didn't but charges extra.

#Why the people at #Tesla didn't choose #Aluminium or #Titanium is beyond me...

Robert Hollingshead :donor:

@kkarhan @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor I strongly suspect the reason is Elon Musk is a nostalgia freak for the 80โ€™s and the DeLorean is made of steel.

Even Cyberpunk, which is dystopian and shouldnโ€™t be replicated in real life except for aesthetic, is an 80โ€™s thing.

Kevin Karhan

@0xF21D @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor the point is #Misk and his followers don't understand that #CyberPunk is a #dystopia not to be aspire for, unlike #SolarPunk, which is a #utopia we all should work towards...


Solarpunk is like the utopian version of Cyberpunk, right?
@0xF21D @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor


That's cool! Because I like the cyberpunk aesthetic, but I don't like dystopias.
@0xF21D @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor

Robert Hollingshead :donor:

@Kavus @kkarhan @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor as long as corporatized โ€œSolarPunkโ€ is avoided. Thatโ€™s just dystopia with solar panels.

Fully Automated! Solarpunk RPG

@kkarhan @0xF21D @Kavus @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor

I have a theory that at the apex of Maslow's hierarchy, the megarich all become philosophers obsessed with trying to assert their foundational beliefs as objective truth, and that this is the only thing that takes precedence over material concerns.

A common core tenant is that society is and always will be adversarial and zero-sum. Nothing would cause them greater existential trauma than people supporting each other and all benefiting.

Kevin Karhan replied to Robert Hollingshead :donor:

@0xF21D @FullyAutomatedRPG @Kavus @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor also we see that kind of #hierachical and #classist thinking already , with some #TechBros and #Billionaires wanting to turn the #SiliconValley into a #paywalled #GatedCommunity where they'll get all the good and nice urbanization with walkable- & bikeable cities as well as #PublicTransport whilst basically banning everyone who isn't working for them.

- Kinda like #Lanai, but worse!


@kkarhan @0xF21D @thewarragulman @NanoRaptor

I fear it's not that simple. For musk and like-minded people, #solarpunk is a total dystopia.

Equality? Radical democracy? How dare you stop superior people from rising to their rightful positions above the masses?

Curbing technological advancements in favour of sustainability? Clearly you've lost the big picture!

End capitalism? The economy will be terribly inefficient!

Bart-Jan Vrielink

@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor In other words, the best way to clean a cybertruck is with electricity? 800 volts I believe?

Luke Philipps

@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor
Well, the manual says to clean the car with gasoline.
Owners today use products like "Bar Keepers Friend Stainless Steel Cleaner".

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor you could always try cleaning a Cybertruck with battery acid.


@thewarragulman @NanoRaptor "Dumbass tries to hose down his cybertruck at a gas station, endangers everybody" is a headline I expect to see any day now.


@NanoRaptor I understand they had their own share of problems, but... I dunno. I don't remember the general reaction to the DeLorean ever being "dear God, what is that thing?"

Elon Muksis

@NanoRaptor The cool looking car that sucked and was unable to carry anything. Just like the Elmo-truck, except at least it looked cool.

Margret Kuarell

@bhasic since most of elons Ideas seem to stem from watching Trailers of SciFi movies, without getting what the movies are about ... it may even be heavily inspired by this


@NanoRaptor I read, it was a car with many problems.. But with a built-in flux capacitor I would take it ๐Ÿ˜„

๐—ฃ๐— ๐— ๐Ÿ‘ฝ


it didn't rust, but that's about it
- the doors were too heavy and could fall back down on your head
- the engine was underpowered for the cars weight
- the electronics were not reliable and could fail which would cause overheating of the engine

Take Me To The Reg Lion

@pmj @NanoRaptor yeah, but at least it looked cool

they should use a cybertruck in the inevitable BTTF remake/reboot. if you're going to ruin something, do it properly



I feel like the one from Aliens (Alien sequel) is the actual "cybertruck".


@NanoRaptor is that Skeletor posing as a trunk of a tree?

caseyneiba :verified:

@NanoRaptor And a better off-roader since it doesn't need roads.

Wyatt (๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธโ™€?)

@NanoRaptor Has one of the worst engines Volvo ever put in a car, but it's still better than some of the earlier years of the PRV :p

And yeah i'd rather have a DMC-12 any day of the week

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