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Conor Hughes

During lunch a friend mentioned that you can just supply a HTTP URL to vim on the command line and it would use curl to download that resource and allow you to edit the content. I jokingly asked whether if you enter :w it would then issue a HTTP POST back to the origin which is of course ridiculous.

It issues a PUT

Helge Heß

@conorh Next step is figuring out that Finder has WebDAV support since forever and you can effectively do that with literally any macOS app.


Other protocols are also possible, e.g. you can edit files via scp

vim scp://

#vim #ssh #scp

Andrew Hewus Fresh

@unixwitch don't forget rsync:// for editing very large documents.

Programmer 832-529 πŸ…

@unixwitch @conorh I didn't fully believe you but just tried it with the scp URL.

It works, amazing! Never knew it could do that.


@smallsees @unixwitch @conorh Is scp still a thing ?

I mean, it's sftp now. Should work with any sftp server so.


@conorh Just tried this, it's perfect for testing thanks!


@conorh Xe are earnestly giddy at this revelation. Sounds great for xir journaling needs.

Alex Willmer

@conorh `vim foo.txt.gz` transparently decompresses the file, then recompresses on save. `vim bar.tar.gz` or `vim` shows a list of the files in the archive, so you can choose which ones to edit tranparently.

Stefan Eissing

@conorh @jpmens The curl project is always happy to help. 😌

comicmuse ☘️

@conorh I need to have more lunches with people who introduce features of vim

David Peach

@conorh presumably I could have a file locally with an auth token that it can read from when doing a put request? πŸ€”

Chris. R. πŸŽ§πŸŽΌβ˜•πŸ

My server logs gave me a wget entry. Nevertheless 🀯

Tony Hoyle

Alas full vim doesn't seem that common. No idea what arch uses (vi is linked to ed somehow) and Debian uses vim.tiny which doesn't have any of this.


@conorh That's indeed the appropriate protocol for webdav servers (btw, other editors do the same, e.g.: KDE's Kate also supports out-of-box working with remote files. I use this a lot for work. One more reason why I prefer working on Linux)

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