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Bread and Circuses

The system is working *exactly* as intended...

Illustration of "DESPERATE PEOPLE MAKE IDEAL WORKERS AND DISTRACTED CITIZENS." Three rows of little cartoon people. First row: "Desperate people" - 6 months no newstart, high student debt, ATSI programs cut, high med fees, 40 job apps a month. Second row "Make ideal workers" - Work for cheap, for pizza, down a mine, far from family, sell us your land if we create jobs on it. Third row, "and distracted citizens" - Climate change? I gotta pay rent! Disability rights? I gotta find a job! Land rights? I need to feed my kids! Refugees? I've got medical bills to pay! Long-term problems? I got short-term problems!
@breadandcircuses I've always been wanting to say this but this cartoon says it much better!
Richard Knott

@breadandcircuses UK under the last 14 years of Conservative governments. From having next to none, we now have more food banks than McDonalds restaurants. We’re very reliant on natural gas for electricity, Government sold of a few years ago large scale storage, so guess what happened when Putin invaded and gas prices went up all over Europe?

House Panther :verified_paw:

@breadandcircuses That's right! The system isn't broken at all. The system is designed to benefit those at the top at the expense of those at the bottom.


What force leads a man
To a life filled with danger
High on seas or a mile underground?
It's when need is his master
And poverty's no stranger,
And there's no other work to be found.
- Silly Wizard - The Fisherman's Song

argv minus one


But why do desperate people keep voting for the same politicians who are making them desperate?

:neocat__w: kbity...

@argv_minus_one @breadandcircuses God presented Eve to Adam and said: "Choose yourself a wife"


@breadandcircuses "For Pizza?" hit too deep.

the corporate pizza party always makes everything seem ok!!


@breadandcircuses Not really. I get what you're saying. And mostly agree. But something here was left out. And it's very important.

Desperate people make ideal workers and distracted citizens,,,,to full on morons.

There's this idea in most countries that stupid people can't plan. Which isn't true. They can. They just can't plan effectively.

It's why fascism always has a natural expiration date. Why capitalism constantly has problems keeping itself afloat. Because the stupidity is built in.

Desperate people make the worst workers and citizens who can be manipulated by almost anyone. As in. The more desperate a person is the more mistakes they make in jobs. Which very often lead to not only the loss of life but categorically less profit.

And. That last part is literally how republicans/conservatives lost overall control of their party to trump to begin with. In general. Everything in this is reasons why so much sucks.

And it sucks because morons instituted it.

@breadandcircuses Not really. I get what you're saying. And mostly agree. But something here was left out. And it's very important.

Desperate people make ideal workers and distracted citizens,,,,to full on morons.

There's this idea in most countries that stupid people can't plan. Which isn't true. They can. They just can't plan effectively.

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