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Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

come use instant messaging, it'll be fun! you just have to pick your preferred platform:
- silicon valley enshitification machine
- nazis and grifters
- questionable privacy policies
- barely a MVP
- unapologetic walled garden
- less honest about being mostly a walled garden
- Unable to decrypt message.
- 2005 called, they wanted their messaging protocol back
- 1995 called, they wanted their messaging protocol back

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

(discord, telegram, whatsapp, signal, imessage, google's rcs, matrix, xmpp, irc)


@tay don't forget to use pidgin in a corporate setting where the users log in with their domain users and their passwords are saved IN PLAIN TEXT because the developers refuse to use environment specific encryption options.

Yes this is a thing people do. Crazy!



SMS - 1986 called, they want their messaging protocol back

Ronnie The Tiger

@tay At this point, shimming SSL/TLS in to IRC and XMPP and giving the clients a modern redesign are more attractive options than the mainstream ones in use these days 💀
Maybe we should go back to Mumble for game voice chat 🤔

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

> barely a MVP

how does the signal app still not have something as basic as a "sign out" button

Porgles :blobfoxcomfycomputer:

@tay Who needs a sign out button when you don’t even support multiple accounts to begin with? Lol

I love the idea of Signal, but there’s decisions like that that I question the logic of.

Also the networking effect and all that.

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

@forgifuzzbutt yeah i just figured out why there's no sign out button (only a "delete account" button)

because the only representation of your account is on your phone.

if you get a new one you lose all your messages and have to create a new account

Porgles :blobfoxcomfycomputer:

@tay There is a flow of moving your messages over from one phone to a new one, but it doesn’t work across platforms and notifies anyone that you’re messaging that you changed devices iirc.

But yeeeeeeeah

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

@forgifuzzbutt and plus, it relies on you having both physical devices, which isn't all that helpful if your phone is down a drain or in some repair center

Porgles :blobfoxcomfycomputer:

@tay iirc the Android version actually does encrypted backups, but you’ll need to have to actually be backing them up somewhere else.

iirc they don’t really talk about it much.

Jessica Canady

@tay damn I wish XMPP were still A Thing.

Wyatt (🏳️‍⚧️♀?)

@tay 1995 any day of the week because there's nothing inherently wrong with being old

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