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Do you want anything "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) in your (future) phone/mobile device?


Anonymous poll


I don't know
417 people voted.
Voting ended 19 May at 13:32.
mercurial yapper if I ever want to have one, it better be me who chooses to add it, with my full consent. It better not be built and and/or sneaky.


My personal choice is: "Nooop"

And I really, really hope #Apple will leave this out 🙏 An "AI iPhone" is really not an option :no:

At that point it's back to the Nokia 3210 😀

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@stux AI makes everything better, they say.

I doubt it but I think we can not hide from it in the future ...


@AndyGER But we can try :blobcatgiggle: 💪


@RandomDamage @AndyGER I still got one! 💪

A little slow but it's something!

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@RandomDamage @stux There are solutions for almost everybody out there. But the masses prefer an easy to use device that fulfils their needs. No matter what.

That's why #meta is still successful ...

Daniel Taylor

@AndyGER @stux people are naturally horrible at risk analysis, and everything is rigged to keep us too busy to try

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@RandomDamage @stux This is why law must protect them better.

An example: #EU law vs. social media and IT-companies ...

Daniel Taylor

@AndyGER @stux the EU seems to be moving in the right direction at least


@AndyGER @RandomDamage perhaps! I’m still kinda happy I live in the EU if it comes to tech :ed_grin:

Don’t fck with the EU or they’ll find out :apple_inc: :google:


@stux I asked someone something similar a few days ago.

What point is too far and we really do push back into the flip phone?
Can we even do that anymore? Are the networks still viable?

Verizon a long time ago, forced me into a smart phone. They said it was a requirement because of tower coverage. This was a hundred years ago back into the iPhone 2 or 4 at least. Probably 10yrs or more?

I use my smart phone like crazy but with the amount of overreach that is constantly happening from every avenue - I certainly don't know how much longer I can justify it.

@stux I asked someone something similar a few days ago.

What point is too far and we really do push back into the flip phone?
Can we even do that anymore? Are the networks still viable?

Verizon a long time ago, forced me into a smart phone. They said it was a requirement because of tower coverage. This was a hundred years ago back into the iPhone 2 or 4 at least. Probably 10yrs or more?


@stux that new Nokia 3210 released last week looks ok as feature phones go. At least it isn't some KaiOS thing with WhatsApp baked in but it does come with Facebook baked in...


@stux my iPhone can detect different people in the photos app, so some kind of machine learning has to exist


@stux as long as it’s on device then I don’t mind it.


@stux Exactly - who the hell wants a four year old taking over their phone.
That said AI will wreak havoc in the workplace. Social welfare states like the Nordic countries will cope. The Unregulated Free for All countries will flounder. The opioid crisis is going to look tame by comparison.


@stux Yep definitely! My S24Ultra has a lot of really cool AI stuff. I even subscribe to Gemini Advanced.

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@stux There may be possibilities for AI to improve on things.

Like in photography with a smartphone where sensors are rather small and lenses are not really sophisticated in comparison to photo cameras.

But AI-everything is not the solution, I guess ...


@stux let's be honest here. All of us who record any video with phone/tablet want AI focus. Do I want my data shared is another question


@meka Well, i still always chose for the "manual" method if possible

I don't like AI generating stuff without my exact input or how i want it, otherwise i have to redo it anyways :flan_laugh:

Data is a big no no 😇


@stux I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to having AI on my phone, but it needs to be open-source, and the model to be downloaded only if the user consents. I could see it being useful for code autocompletion, stuff like Circle to Search, a summarize feature in notes, social media, etc. As long as AI is rightfully used only as a tool to help the user, I'm fine with it.

Marty Fouts

@stux scientific wild ass guess: AI means something different to the handful of people voting yes. I don’t want the silly apps coming from the current fad in generative large ml models but I do want the AI that has already quietly existed on mobile devices in games for years, for example.


It's already there, and AI is just vaporware like the Blockchain.



No. From my understanding of how AI works, I find it a pointless use of technology.

Moreover, things like Shortcuts and Routines exist on the phone.

You just write the conditions and actions yourself. In fact, I think more people should be aware of the basic concepts of logic.

I don't like how everything is being hidden from users nowadays.

I know, I sound like the old man yelling at clouds meme. 👴🏻✊🏻☁️

Adam Lein

@stux Maybe if it's open source and runs locally without any cloud connections.

Jack Jackson

@stux technically, yes - since autocorrect/typing-prompts which adapt to your personal idiom qualify, and there are probably genuinely helpful system-level things like dynamically-adapting network-connectivity code.

But "no" to the question in the sense that you probably intended it - large-scale or intrusive user-facing apps.

Jack Jackson

@stux or - as others have pointed out - camera auto-focus is perfectly great and worthwhile to me, though I wouldn't want "auto-touchup"


@stux I voted “I don’t know” because I think AI is so overloaded the term itself means nothing.
There might be some ‘machine learning’ or stuff that might be useful, but I want to stay FAR FAR away from LLM

un viejo marginal

Well, thinking about it more, maybe,
so that it can respond on its own to call centers and other boring
and I sent them away to...

gaijin Then we would have your AI answering the call center AI, all over the world 90% of the bandwith will be dedicated to AIs not willing to hang up the phone.

Mingo 🦩

@M_el_viejo @stux if it can detect spam calls I’m fine with it just hanging up and blocking. No need to wasted c/gpu cycles on that.

prognozują opady śniegu
@stux AI and automating everything is generally a good idea but not in the current economic system where everything will turn into generating profit instead of making shit convenient, and AI is not yet advanced enough for it to work well atm, so No unless things change
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

@stux I do want to have software based on neural networks, such as voice synthesis, voice recognition, image recognition, and so on.

It's just that branding any of software mentioned above as an "AI" doesn't make it better in any way, and forcing to use it instead of something that is a lot more reliable is definitely not what I want.

🇵🇸 Álvaro González

@stux What I want is audio jack and rectangular screen with no holes or rounded corners. Products have what CEOs want, not what customers want.


@stux The old definition of it for simple voice commands and not the new definition of "infringing copyright of the entire planet."


@stux yes and no. getting it to enhance pics etc, definitely yes. but having it manage my contacts, messages and calendar, definitely not

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@stux That would be a hard No from me.

The point of mobile device, i.m.o., is to be self-sustaining, autonomous, being able to operate efficiently offline (not counting mobile communications, which is and always will be essential). The more functions we delegate to AI in the remote cloud (especially if that AI is ChatGPT), the less those new devices will act like actual controllable devices. They would be reduced to marketable all-in-one wonderboxes that would turn into bricks the moment their maker goes bankrupt.

I've seen too many dead smart devices to think otherwise.

@stux That would be a hard No from me.

The point of mobile device, i.m.o., is to be self-sustaining, autonomous, being able to operate efficiently offline (not counting mobile communications, which is and always will be essential). The more functions we delegate to AI in the remote cloud (especially if that AI is ChatGPT), the less those new devices will act like actual controllable devices. They would be reduced to marketable all-in-one wonderboxes that would turn into bricks the moment their maker goes bankrupt.

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@stux I impulsively voted "no" thinking of LLMs, but... it depends? some of the offline, machine learning-based stuff that Apple does is quite impressive, like being able to search your photo gallery for text on pictures. I stick to a degoogled Android ROM with mostly FOSS apps, but things like that one do make me jealous just a little bit.

any ChatGPT-enabled assistant and the like can eff right off, though.

bedast :diabetes:

@stux The answer I wanted to give in the poll is not listed.

AI has its place. Right now, the wrong “AI” being shoehorned in ways it really shouldn’t be. And it’s quite broken.

I think it’s needed for our “smart” devices to become smarter and actually work for us. But we gotta get away from the “AI of the month” nonsense that needs to go into everything right away even if it doesn’t make sense.

I do want AI in my devices, but I don’t want LLMs pretending to know things to be there.

Çağan Mert İŞLEK

@stux AI is the future, however just like everything else, too much is both waste and dangerous.

Vincent 🌻

@stux Haha - as if these are the options. You’re either for or against, or you can’t possibly have an opinion 😂


@photovince These ‘simple options’ confuse enough already :ablobwink: let’s not make it even more complicated haha

excited for the mastodon rise

@stux I mean, if it was a local model that didn't need to send anything to the cloud, maybe, but we're not alking about those.


@qkslvrwolf @stux why not? They already exist. Especially for PC. Making 1B or 2B LLMs reliable for tools that can come handy on mobile is not that far off.


@stux it depends. Reigniting people in already is some kind of AI but if it's a LLM, I want it to be able to run fully on device. It doesn't have to by default, but I want at least an option to be able to.


@stux AI is a useful tool but I don’t want a dumb but useful tool trying to manage my life.


@stux If it was actually a general intelligence maybe, but then there's all the ethical issues of owning a person... but spicy autocomplete, no.

shac ron ₪‎

@stux You’re many years too late for this poll. On iPhones they use machine learning for many things, including facial and object recognition in photos, text capture from images, route suggestions in maps, optimizing power management, scheduling of background services activity, text autocomplete and ottercorrect, speech recognition, many camera things, etc.

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