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Michael Porter

I’m seeing this graphic making the rounds without attribution - many versions have the info at the bottom cut off. The creator is alienyrox2 on reddit (

#Aurora #CreditYourSources #AltText


@MichaelPorter I hate the trend for adding "credit to original creator" or "dm for credit or removal". 🙄

Michael Porter

@morag It wasn’t that hard to track it down. Reverse image search on Google or TinEye!

Chris Armstrong

@morag @MichaelPorter
That's nothing compared to "no copyright intended".


@Rhodium103 @MichaelPorter yeah, I'm seeing that more now. Always on the verge of replying "well you infringed it anyway, intended or not! '

Michael Porter

@CStamp @morag Yeah, feels like they thought, “That ought to do it for due diligence… Whew, I’m tired!”


@MichaelPorter @morag Or just flat out trying to get clout for the work of others and don't want to be bothered with crediting the creators.

Michael Porter

A nice benefit of knowing the creator is that I was able to find a bunch of other cool stuff that they’ve made, also posted to Reddit (I know, I know…)

Human 3500

@MichaelPorter You should always put your attribution in a place where it can't be cut off like this.

Also, your graphic in my app didn't show the attribution unless I opened the graphic. Maybe you are seeing a bit of that as well.

Michael Porter

@human3500 Always a problem with different aspect ratios.

Michael Porter

@human3500 But I figure if people are that interested, they will have opened up the image as opposed to just looking at the preview.

Human 3500

@MichaelPorter My app displays what looks like the entire image - it crops it beautifully.

Michael Porter

@human3500 But, if I understand you correctly, the app *is* cutting parts of the image off for the preview?

Human 3500

@MichaelPorter The app is making the exact crop of the full image as the cropped image when it appears in my feed. So my feed consists of identical looking images - I have to expand them to see if the image is complete or cropped.

Michael Porter

@human3500 Okay. I think my app does something like that as well.

Human 3500

@MichaelPorter I've had that typo so often I know what you meant to say.

Michael Porter

@human3500 Ha, fixed! Just so you don’t think I was talking about a girlfriend or such 😄

Human 3500

@MichaelPorter it could be a man... It is 2024 and it's still acceptable. For now. It will be a different story in 2028.

Michael Porter replied to Human

@human3500 Hey, as long as they care about me and are good with all my flaws 😄

Michael Porter replied to Human

@human3500 You’re gonna need a bigger Venn diagram! 😄

SunnJax 🏳️‍🌈

@MichaelPorter Thank you for the complete version of this graphic.

Michael Porter

@SunnJax You’re welcome ☺️
More thanks to the creator of the graphic, though!


@MichaelPorter this was a shitty habit on twitter and i hate that this habit comes up on fedi now.

Michael Porter

@schaf I understand it, a bit - I think most of the time it’s a little bit of laziness, or the urge to post quickly.

Not cool if someone is trying to pass work off as their own, though!


@MichaelPorter by shitty habit i meant actively cutting away the watermarks or sources

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