I'm an anarchist, I don't believe in voting, or that there is real democracy under capitalism. But some people say they do. They believe governors should be elected, and then judged after 4 years for what they did and what they didn't do. So it's very strange to see self proclaimed "Democrats" to insist that you must vote for Biden, EVEN THOUGH he actively supports a genocide. And in order to "save democracy" from Trump! I'm sorry, but you're hypocrites. You don't believe in this "democracy" either. You don't even want your party to be judged and be held responsible for its actions. The least that should happen to a president who funds and supports a genocide, is to not be re-elected. Is this the kind of democracy you support, one in which voters can't even judge their governors, but vote for them even if they don't agree, under blackmail? Screw that shit. Trump will win, and that's shitty. But Biden winning after all of this, would also be shitty. Capitalism is shit. Stop supporting your oppressors.