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Michal Migurski πŸ“¦

@simon @zverik The Mapbox staff doing the work at the time described how difficult it was to work with the community: enduring abuse, devoting time for psychological recovery, limiting time spent on the project, and swiftly exiting it once minimum deliverables were complete. Source: talks from team members ca. 2014, not recorded. Great software came out of it, but also a general understanding that the OSMF can’t support this kind of work.

Ilya Zverev replied to Michal Migurski πŸ“¦

@migurski @simon Yeah I remember how Quincy was hired by OSMF to support iD, he tried and then noped out. Can't imagine how it is.

Guillaume Rischard replied to Ilya

@zverik @migurski @simon Quincy was great at his job, is pretty much universally loved, and is great at interacting with the community. He left for personal reasons.

Ilya Zverev replied to Guillaume

@grischard @migurski @simon If that's not the case, I'm happy to be found wrong!

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