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Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

I started programming in 1982. Though I'm known as a #Perl developer, I tried to remember every other language I've programmed in.

#BASIC, #C, 6809 Assembler, #Javascript, VBScript (and its many variants), #Java, #Prolog, #RakuLang, #Python, #Kotlin, #COBOL, Easytrieve, and probably a few others.

I wish I had gotten a job in Prolog, primarily because I loved what I could create with it. I don't love programming; I love creating.

What are you languages?

#programming #software #OpenSource


@ovid After perl I eventually ended up doing a lot of erlang development. It's got some of the same feel of prolog, and might be worth checking out if you're missing it.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@wrw To me, Erlang looks a lot like Prolog without the solver. I toyed with it briefly, but not enough that I could say I programmed in it.

That being said, it was decades ahead of its time, offering microservices before microservices were cool.


@ovid Similar start date and similar list: Forth, 6502, 8080, 6809, 68K, BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, Python, C, C++, C#, Java, Kotlin.

Some day I would like to return to Forth, my first beloved.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@GeePawHill I hear so many people saying that they adore Forth. It looks interesting. I should give it a try some day.

Solomon Foster

@ovid @GeePawHill Forth sits in this glorious place where it is just barely one step more sophisticated than assembly code BUT it offers you a lot of the same language design power that Lisp does. You can think of it as roughly a C-equivalent language you can easily write yourself in a week.

But other than its ability to let you easily tool up a wee DSL from scratch in a day or two, it's probably been at least 30 years since I was programming in a situation where using Forth would make sense.


@colomon @ovid It was a time when pre-existing code was far less prevalent than now.

I *do* see the challenge.

But it's so fast, so simple, so compact, so elegant, I think it would be a joyful challenge to swing at.



I also started in the early 1980s, #BASIC, #COBOL, #FORTRAN, #C, VBScript, #python mostly

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@djg Everybody and their dog my age talks about Fortran. I've no idea how I managed to miss it.



As you’re not using the newest shorthand, the only difference in any of these is deep within the compiler.

Keith Carangelo

@djg @ovid One of my high school programming projects was supposed to use sprites. I made a computer running Pascal (lauded as fast and modern) launching a sword and destroying one running Fortran (slow and obsolete). The tagline at the end was, “I love happy endings!”


@ovid I'm a few years behind, I don't think I learned BASIC until 1993 or so. I've written stuff in #BASIC, #C, #csharp, #Java, #php, #golang, #ocaml, #fsharp , #python, #ruby, #javascript, #lua and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting

Plus the usual windows batch, #powershell, bash, applescript

Programming languages are neat

Jim Winstead

@ovid I wrote a long blog post on this a couple of months ago. It doesn’t look like I mentioned Prolog, but I know I did at least an assignment or two in college using it.



I went LOGO, Locomotive BASIC 2, QBasic, Turbo Pascal, x86 Assembly, fKiss, C, TCL, Bash, AWK, Perl, Python, JavsScript, and Lua.

I made some less successful attempts with LISP, Forth, JCL, Prolog, Smalltalk, Java , C#, and Haskell, just to see what they are about, but I never really made anything with those.

I mostly settled on Python as my main language, with C and JavaScript added as needed.

I'm curious about Zig now, but I don't really have a project to try it.

Marcos Dione

@ovid not sure the age I was or year it was, but around 13yo/1990. BASIC first, then Pascal, C, 8086 ASM, C++, Haskell (I'm at the uni now), bash, TCL, JS (first programming job), Delphi, PHP, Perl (professional at this point), Python (my main one now), Scheme, Ruby (thanks, Chef), Java, golang, and many smaller ones like awk, regexps (think of automatons!) and bazillion template languages (if it has loops and ifs, it's Turing complete¹).

¹ I think, don't quote me on that :)

Marcos Dione

@ovid I new I forgot something: t'was TSR-80 CoCo BASIC, the QBASIC, then Turbo* Pascal. And before golang, Lua. I used ASM for writing DOS TSRs!


@ovid i started in the late 70’s. BASIC, x86 assembler, 6800 family assembler, COBOL, RPG 2-ILE RPG, Perl, Python… I mostly write Python these days.

Solomon Foster

@ovid Basic, 6502 assembler, Forth, QBasic, Pascal (ugh), C, C++, Lisp, IBM S/370 assembler (I think? The OS was Michigan Terminal System), Perl, C#, RakuLang. Trace amounts of Python and Lua.

T Alex Beamish

@ovid I started with BASIC, then did machine language (assembler) for several work terms -- a proprietary machine by AES Data --, then C, 6809, 68000 and then x86 assembler, then C again, a bit of PostScript, some Pascal, some REXX on OS/2, a few things in awk, and finally Perl. I took one course each in FORTRAN and COBOL, but never worked in those languages. My Dad showed me a bit of APL in high school, but it was too advanced for me to comprehend at that point.

ELIFE眞空 :vivaldi_blue:


I also started programming probably in 1982.

First language was BASIC, but I forgot it.

spmatich :blobcoffee:

Haven’t used these for years (mostly from uni):
basic, c, fortran, cobol, pascal, DOS-batch
More recently:
java, perl, python, golang, php, javascript, powersmell, xslt
Nobody has mention shell/bash. Doesn’t it count? I still use it every day, sometimes twice or three times a day.
grep awk sed ldapsearch find xargs read while ls chmod curl rsync ssh git etc etc
Update: I keep remembering other languages I’ve used. Z80 assembly, intel x86 assembly, DCL (OpenVMS scripting), tcl (as in expect)

Alex Schroeder

@spmatich I didn't mention shell programming because if it's not a trivial script I always end up rewriting it in Perl… But yeah, it definitely counts in my book.


@ovid I started with c64 basic in the mid 80s. Then pascal, qbasic, cobol, c, x86 assembly, perl, Java, python, ruby, javascript, and a bunch of tinkering in anything else I can get my hands on lately.

Joshua Thayer

@ovid In ~25 years I’ve shipped production code in C, perl, python, clojure, erlang, joxa (a scheme on the beam vm), java, scala, javascript, golang, ruby, rust, and various query languages (SQL, datalog, sparql…), shell scripts, and configuration languages. Probably more perl than anything, though not in the last decade+!

Dave Morriss

@ovid #Algol60, #Algol68, #Fortran, #Pascal, Plan Assembler (ICL 1900), SFL Assembler (ICL 2900), BBC BASIC, 6502 Assembler, #C, #Bash, #TclTk, #Perl, #SQL

DF4OR (Ekki)


* some unremembered assembler
* Olivetti P101 Assembler
* TI-59 Basic
* Z80 assembler
* 6809 Assembler
* Basic
* Pascal/Delphi
* C
* #Perl



Basic, Pascal, C/C++, JavaScript, Tcl/Tk, Bash, Prolog quickly from my head

My favourite, though, is #Perl.


@ovid In somewhat chronological order.
Rust (in progress)

Deven Phillips

I have programmed professionally in C, C++, PHP, Python, PERL, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript/CoffeeScript, Ruby, Erlang, and C#. I have also dabbled in Julia, Go, Rust, Elixir, BASIC, PASCAL, and FORTRAN.

Aaron Rainbolt

@ovid C#, PowerShell, and VBA are sadly three of my favorites... and I'm a Linux user and try to steer clear of Windows most of the time :-/

On Linux, Qt/C++, C, and Bash are my most frequently used langs.


@ovid #javascript whenever the option presents itself. #java if there is no other option. I would love to code in #cplusplus again. I'd like to pick up #csharp and .NET, as well as kick #python in the tires.

I did look at #perl several times btw. Because I'm nostalgic like that. Have been curious about #mojolicious but maybe I missed the boat on that.

Wil Macaulay

@ovid BASIC on a PDP 8, starting in 1972. Then FORTRAN, COBOL, SNOBOL, b. Forth, C, Algol, Pascal. C++, Java, objective-c, Swift, DCL, PostScript, VAX/VMS assembler. A tiny bit of APL. M68K asm.

Longest uninterrupted stretch probably Objective-c


@ovid A bit different: Fortran, Algol6 (for the RC4000), Pascal, COBOL, Concurrent Pascal, PDP-11 assembler, Univac 1100 assembler, Basic, Algol68, Simula, C, C++, Perl, rust - and probably a lot of others I've forgotten.
Doing concurrent programming in Pascal was... strange/weird but kind of fun.

Adam Trickett :debian:

@ovid #BASIC, 6502 #assembly, #Pascal, #Delphi, #Perl, #Bash, #Javascript, finally #ABAP.

I've looked at #Java and #Python several times but can't get on with Java at all.

My job is 50% ABAP and 50% trying to understand what the client needs and not what they say.

Loved BASIC on my old C64, and have a soft spot for TuboBASIC and TuboPascal. Did a lot of Perl and found it good for what I wanted, but not used it much of late.


@ovid To highly varying levels of competence : Basic, Z80 Assembler, C, VB/VBA, COBOL (w/ Datatrieve ... VMS > MVS 😉 ... though also used CICS and wrote JCLs from scratch 😖, plus some "4GL"s like Mantis), Gambas(!), Processing, Perl, PHP, JS (WSH JS!), Java, Dialplan, Pascal(!), i386 Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Forth, Python, Go, Lua, Z.

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