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Catherine Flick

@janl I have the tits and tarts oven mitts, they are great :D

Paul Campbell

@janl our new app is code named Tito 2 and in development I keep accidentally typing β€œ2 tit” and pressing return and the wholesome results tickle me every time 🀣

Jan Lehnardt :couchdb:

Plus an actual Green Pecker spotted literally minutes after posting the coasters.

Green pecker in a leafless tree, green wings, grey belly, red cap and black face

@janl Beautiful! Btw are all English bird names also sexual?


@feliks @janl no, if I remember correctly the words came before the association to body parts.

Marijke Luttekes

@janl One of the best ornithologist memes, these are amazing.


@janl and where does one buy these little MFers?

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