Well despite a feeling that I'm a mouse gingerly inserting herself into a mousetrap, I've managed to install and boot the bsky data server. It immediately fails saying it can't open a file. It doesn't tell me what file. It just says it can't open a file. So I guess before I even get it working I'll be submitting a patch to bsky improving their error messages. I think the error means I have permissions set wrong on some directory but without knowing the failure path I can't know what directory :/
When I got this error last night I was like "ha ha, what a silly small error" and figured this morning I'd get up and work it out
It fails saying it can't open a file. It will not say what file.
pnpm link is doing nothing for me at all. i cannot inject a console.log to print the file it's trying to open
I tried strace. strace does not show opening a file!!!
I thought this was going to take minutes and I've been poking on and off all day :(