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Brodie Robertson

Hit me with your worst Linux takes, I'm sure you've all got some bangers.

29 comments | Expand all CWs
Petulant Crow Person (Powered by UltraSPARC) we should move the kernel to something more professional for scm, like perforce

mia warning

@BrodieOnLinux we should be rewriting the kernel in go to appeal more to younger developers

Thorn Avery πŸ₯€

@BrodieOnLinux C actually does have garbage collection its called the linux kernel

betty :palm: :squeeak:

@BrodieOnLinux we need a skibidi linux distro which only includes a single kernel module to wirelessly flush a toilet

Vivi Nella Verita
@r000t @BrodieOnLinux

I agree. You have to do a lot of hardening for linux to be secure
Syphist :verifiedtrans: programs like vim should make you type the quit command at least once before allowing you to use the program so it stops being such a noob trap from all the terrible tutorials telling people to edit a text file with it specifically.

Linux in a Bit 🐧

I'm much more hyped for Budgie 11 than I was for KDE 6.

jonestown second in command :deifirev: it doesnt have enough privacy options compared to windows tbh, not even a privacy statement to read

Jolene (eepy moder) :heart_trans:

@BrodieOnLinux we should close source the kernel for the sake of security.

Dragonfox called Sophie

@BrodieOnLinux it's a horrible kernel with a real outdated design and I really don't like it's codebase - I find it so bad, I somewhat seriously (but slowly) write my own OS ^^`

Random Tux User :fedora:

Projects should offer noninteractive one liner install commands (with curl piped into bash). This way KDE and some WM users can put it in the search bar and run it there. You don't even have tp worry about complicated terminal outputs since you can't see it.

This convenient install method doesn't need app stores or package managers to install. The installer can also create a service that automatically updates the program in the background like in Windows.

Draconic NEO

@BrodieOnLinux If there's one thing I could complain about here it would be the extremely poor floppy disk support, when I tried to format a disk in the UI it said that the Disk was too small for that file partition which is a stupid limitation and is obviously a lie since yes FAT file systems do support disks that small as it's the filesystem used by them.

It's very annoying because I do still have to format disks (both HD and DD) for use in older machines.

I feel like the linux community either has very little care when it comes to legacy support or they might actually hate it.

@BrodieOnLinux If there's one thing I could complain about here it would be the extremely poor floppy disk support, when I tried to format a disk in the UI it said that the Disk was too small for that file partition which is a stupid limitation and is obviously a lie since yes FAT file systems do support disks that small as it's the filesystem used by them.

Maven :neocat_flag_demigirl:

@BrodieOnLinux Windows would be good if it used the Linux kernel and broke up explorer.exe into separate programs

Sr. Estegosaurio πŸ¦•

@BrodieOnLinux Using nix flakes is sooo good that if your project does not have one I might not even try it.

battle damage purgatory hell world princess



the names of all the most used command line shit being random 2-3 letter nonsense is entirely understandable once it's been explained but telling people "oh just use [asdf]" when they havent heard of that program without telling people what the hell those letters stand for is one of the things that intimidates people away from linux and


a lot of the time when people say "just google it" is actively hostile, it's okay and good to be helpful to people on occasion, we all know how to google things, showing humanity and connecting with someone is a greater teacher and a more welcoming act than any wiki page



the names of all the most used command line shit being random 2-3 letter nonsense is entirely understandable once it's been explained but telling people "oh just use [asdf]" when they havent heard of that program without telling people what the hell those letters stand for is one of the things that intimidates people away from linux and


@BrodieOnLinux The file systems that Linux uses robs us all of the satisfaction of watching a drive get defragged.


@BrodieOnLinux Most Ubuntu users who complain about Snap wouldn't if the Firefox and Chromium Snaps had feature parity with their debs before the transition packages hit the apt repos.

Poppy (Back from tha dead) :neofox_flag_trans: Lightweight distros are almost entirely useless over just upgrading to an SSD. Most computers made after 2010 (maybe even the late-2000s) will handle normal distros and even Windows completely fine, and you can easily give up booting off of a hard drive with how cheap SSDs are.

oh hey it's corruptdropbear

@BrodieOnLinux There are too many distro spins nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.


@BrodieOnLinux vim should not be the default for so many applications as for if you have limited mobility or missing hands, it’s basically impossible to use οΏΌ

Linux in a Bit 🐧

Packaging opinions:
Flatpak is the best packaging format, no contest.
Snap has an absolutely proprietary :stallman: backend and is rightly shamed.
AppImages are ok I guess...
I will hear nothing about Nix until someone can make an actually intuitive GUI for it.
Nobody should be recommending actually using the AUR (or anything Arch-related for that matter).


@Linux_in_a_Bit @BrodieOnLinux to be honest these are about average distro packaging opinions from what i can tell.

Does not make them bad ones though. I largely agree with what you’ve said.

Carlos SolΓ­s
@BrodieOnLinux Immutable distros with Flatpak would probably be the standard already, if only the end users could choose to "sudo" a Flatpak into full system access at will.

@BrodieOnLinux Linux desktop systems would be subject to an endless flood of viruses and malware if they were more popular.

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