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Jon A. Cruz

No #LinuxFoundation, not "rebel", but "evil 800 pound gorilla suing the life out of projects left and right"

Don't whitewash history
#ossummit #opensource #Microsoft

Martin Owens :inkscape:


"Rebel". JFC, they make it sound like Microsoft was the plucky robin hood.

"How did we go from evil empire shouting about software cancer, to evil empire in a cuddly sweater with the embroidered words 'yay-open-source' in large friendly letters" - There, fixed it for you.

Jon A. Cruz

@doctormo I know, right?

At the time I was *literally* part of the "Rebel Alliance" going up against Microsoft's evil Empire.

(For those not old-timey nerds that was Netscape, Sun, and AOL)

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@joncruz Also "pioneer" after the movement has been a thing for 40+ years, plus they destroyed Netscape on the strictly open-source side of things…

@joncruz De rebelles à pionniers, rien que ça. Le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est qu'ils ne manquent pas de toupet chez Microsoft.

C'est beau le révisionnisme technologique.

Drew DeVault

@joncruz same Linux Foundation whose endorsement of Valkey is supposedly so important, by the way

Jon A. Cruz

@drewdevault in this case I'd actually think it is...

Since MS resells Redis...

Reminds me of back in the day when Mosaic thought they were so smart for getting a % of every unit sold deal from MS. Then MS gave IE away for free, and x% of $0.00 was... ?

Hmm... and is Azure still Windows only these days???

IMHO they do like to be in control, but they like $ a bit more

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