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Molly White

i am so over the web design trend where every piece of text on the page has to animate in


@molly0xfff it's frustrating too because the same people tag themselves as "ux experts" or something like that too lmao


@molly0xfff It's like: “Our website is not clean and simple enough! We need to add more stuff to it until it is”


@molly0xfff Wait, did that say minimalistic?! Surely the parody isn't that easy?

James J Malcolm


< Welcome to my webpage >
< Please click here to enter >


Julien Avérous

@molly0xfff It’s like they want to demo what the current hype framework is able to do / what _they_ are able to do, without really asking themselves if it’s right to do it. UX people seems to have been crunched by UI people.

Felix Urbasik

@molly0xfff I agree. Have fun on a system with no GPU acceleration.

Stark Potano

@molly0xfff webpage now has become over engineered that everything has to has a 1.000 of Js and CSS to read fricking texts. That's why browser is getting heavier and bigger on each version because webpage is now an operating system


@molly0xfff reminds me of what people do when they first learn that PowerPoint has animations


@molly0xfff Most web designs SUCK !! Hard to find info, lacking important info. like CONTACT information and other vital info. UP FRONT !!!


@molly0xfff I'm currently in a website rebuild project and we have a 3rd party designer doing all the design (because my university only employs print designers - in 2024) and I fully expect to have to fight this tooth-and-nail.


@molly0xfff Me too. I wonder if I could CSS them all out of my life with a browser extension like Stylus. 🤔

Unixorn - 90% Snark by weight

@molly0xfff “It was hard to write so I’m reusing it everywhere”

Hacker Factor

@molly0xfff And yet... I'll take this new "animate everything" trend over the "light gray on white" super-low contrast text trend.

Craig Grannell

@molly0xfff This kind of thing is really fun when you’ve a vestibular condition. As is when you scroll down and the page lurches sideways. Awful design and the web is full of it. Alas, there’s no big jolt with the web like happened when I wrote about iOS 7 – – and so the drip continues. I wish there was an off switch for all this stuff. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect me too badly but I’ve spoken for people who can feel bad for hours after getting ‘zapped’.

@molly0xfff This kind of thing is really fun when you’ve a vestibular condition. As is when you scroll down and the page lurches sideways. Awful design and the web is full of it. Alas, there’s no big jolt with the web like happened when I wrote about iOS 7 – – and so the drip continues. I wish there was an off switch for all this stuff. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect me too badly but I’ve spoken for people who can feel...

Angel Ponce

@molly0xfff The product conversation probably went something like this:

Designers/Developers: Which sections do you think we should emphasize with animation?

Stakeholder/Client: Yes.

At work, we've had clients leave because competitors offer "better" design, and by better, they mean it looks like Michael Bay directed the million animations running on the site.

Ben Munson

@molly0xfff between this and Apple scroll jacking animations it’s a real low

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