"During this decade, 439 miles of new highways were built, and not one mile of new railroad or subway. In 1974, people using subways and railroads in and around New York were still riding on tracks laid between 1904 and 1933 - the last year before #RobertMoses came to power in the city. Not a single mile had been built since."
"Not only were new [subway] cars not purchased, the old ones were not repaired. It was about 1956 that there was instituted on the NYC subway system, because of lack of funds, a policy of 'deferred maintenance'. [...] So superbly engineered & maintained had the subway been previously - NY had once been enormously proud of its subways - that it took years for this systematic neglect to take its toll."
I can't even imagine what a well-maintained NYC subway even *looks* like.