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Open on Jeder 😺Personal infoAbout:
20 y/o autistic weeb shitposter, professional internet copier
Social Democrat, European Boosting a considerable amount of posts, also my CW and alt text ability is rather shit either because i forgot or didn't feel the need to CW, mute me instead of blocking DNI if you are an ancap, conservative calling themself libertarian, "freethinker", lgbt-phobic or white supremacist I know you'll interact anyways Lots of ramblings/rants about totally random shit or being broke, can be quite horny and also lots of my decisions are made rapidly thanks to emotional impulses and i don't change my mind :discord: Jeder#0058 || :xmpp: || :matrix: 3DS Friend Code: 5430 2575 9908 (be sure to message me with your own when added) My alternate accounts I rather actively use: 1. (you can find me here when shit breaks) 2. (private account, sadposting central) #nobot he/him :flag_aromantic:
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